Thursday, January 5, 2012

Strength Of Africa: ( 33’’ X 50’’)
                         The Strength Of Africa depicts the  value  hidden within the Beautiful African People. After  slavery   for several years,  the  people  from the land of Africa has themselves  forgotten  the  strength and  value  which  are within  themselves.  Basically  it  is  not  the color of ones skin  speaks for one , rather  it is  the Ability, strength and Values  one  has,  which  talks  and takes life going up the journey.
             Elephants  are one  of  the  Biggest and strongest creatures  that  ever  lived  on  this  planet  earth, are dark in complexion.
             Similarly Blue whales are the biggest fishes that ever   swam   the   deepest  sea,  which   are  also  dark  in complexion. Crows  are  those  lovely  birds that  keep the environment   clean   by   consuming   all   the  waste  and eventually  having  a big  role  n keeping the environment and eco system clean, which are also dark in complestion. This  shows  the  ability of these  living  creatures on land water and air, rather than their dark completion
              Bottles  filled   with  peanuts  shows   the  good  hospitality  of  African people. An African women vendor is  shown   with a baby   is  shown  walking   towards  the strength  and  speed   which  are  shown  with   horses.  It   shows  ones ability of  facing  tough situation and all time.
              The complete picture from birds view shows an African lady in a sitting position with folded leg.

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